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Fall farm tours
Pumpkin picking for schools and play groups!

 Unfortunately, we are unable to host farm tours for 2024   

Arrival times:  9:30am  ~  11:00am  ~  1:00pm

 Our farm tours offer a unique experience which combines educational stations with tons of fun! Your group will walk through their tour, stopping at several stations along the way. Your guide will discuss topics about corn, apples, bees and the general duties of the farm ..... The tours are perfect for preschoolers through 2nd grade. The content of each station is adjusted to meet the learning level of each group. Each year we receive rave reviews from teachers and group leaders. Reservations are required for all tours.  973-584-4734


 "Sunhigh has always been a favorite for our class trips!!
The staff is very friendly and they always do a great tour
with our groups. The children love visiting all the animals,
and they always look forward to picking pumpkins !!!!
We have a great time at Sunhigh!!!! Thank You!"

Donna Moser      Randolph Rompers Preschool

Basic Tour Information:

  • Please call the market for pricing  973-584-4734  (adults and children pay the tour fee)
  • We require a 15 person minimum. (or pay the equivalent for less persons)
  • Fee is waived for a maximum of 2 teachers per class.
  • Each tour is total of one hour in length. Your guide will walk you through the farm stations.
  • Bags are provided for collection of 2 apples and a small pumpkin. This portion of the tour will last 15 - 40 minutes depending on the age range of your group.
  • Following the walking tour, each group will gather under the tents to enjoy a fresh cup of cider in an apple shaped sippy cup!
  • Use the remainder of your time to visit the animals.
  • For an additional fee of $50, groups may chose to stay for lunch. THIS MUST BE ARRANGED IN ADVANCE, also depending on availability.
  • Please call us for more information or to book a date! 973-584-4734
We look forward to your visit at Sun High!